Controversial Nigerian transgender TikToker found dead

Police say they are investigating her death as her fans flood social media calling for answers.
2024-08-09 14:07:36

New rioting across UK cities as arrests multiply

Petrol bombs were thrown at officers in Belfast while police in Birmingham are investigating a number of offences.
2024-08-06 06:06:19

TikTok HQ staff hit by mass food poisoning incident

Singapore officials say they are investigating the incident, which hospitalised 57 people.
2024-07-31 10:42:47

One dead after apparent drone attack on Tel Aviv

The military is investigating the cause of an explosion in central Tel Aviv early on Friday.
2024-07-19 07:13:04

Törli a NASA a Hold-küldetést, mert túl drága lett

Az amerikai űrhivatal (NASA) szerdán a túl magas költségekre hivatkozva bejelentette, hogy törli a VIPER (Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover) holdjáró küldetését.
2024-07-18 09:07:23

Two Brits missing in Sweden as bodies found in car

Swedish police are investigating the deaths of two men in Malmo as a suspected double murder.
2024-07-16 23:06:41

Disney investigating massive leak of internal messages

A hacking group says it has leaked internal data from the media giant to protest its use of AI.
2024-07-16 13:08:30

MI5 does not have to confirm abusive man was a spy

Judges are investigating MI5's handling of the agent, who attacked his girlfriend with a machete.
2024-07-16 02:09:57

Uefa investigates Jude Bellingham over gesture

Uefa are investigating England midfielder Jude Bellingham after he made a gesture following the win over Slovakia at Euro 2024.
2024-07-01 17:07:52

Total of 163 families linked to funeral home inquiry

Officers investigating Legacy Independent Funeral Directors are making contact with those affected.
2024-07-01 08:09:15

Adidas is investigating allegations of embezzlement and kickbacks in China

Post Content
2024-06-17 16:09:23

Three black passengers sue American Airlines for racial discrimination

The airline is investigating after a lawsuit was filed saying all black men were temporarily removed from a flight.
2024-05-30 09:10:35

No police action after Rayner council house probe

Police had been investigating the deputy Labour leader over a house in Stockport she sold in 2015.
2024-05-28 22:07:35

Abbott still suspended months after Labour race review

BBC Newsnight learns the MP was given a formal warning despite Labour saying it is still investigating.
2024-05-28 09:09:04

Netanyahu says Israel investigating deadly 'incident' near Rafah

Post Content
2024-05-28 03:07:30

FBI investigating missing ancient treasures from British Museum

Hundreds of artefacts ended up with people in the US who bought them on eBay, the BBC has learned.
2024-05-27 07:08:05

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2024-05-07 20:08:44

Police investigating possible arson in fire at Berlin refugee housing

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2024-03-13 13:09:59

No perjury charges against Bloody Sunday soldiers

The Public Prosecution Service has been investigating fifteen former soldiers and an alleged former member of the IRA.
2024-04-19 14:08:11

No charges for Bloody Sunday soldiers accused of giving false evidence

The Public Prosecution Service has been investigating fifteen former soldiers and an alleged former member of the IRA.
2024-04-19 21:07:44

Russia investigating shooting, explosions at concert hall as terror attack

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2024-03-22 23:07:21

Qantas passengers report seeing strangers' data on app

The airline is investigating reports of a privacy breach involving boarding passes and other details.
2024-05-01 04:07:19

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2024-04-30 21:07:23

Police hunt man filmed carving names on Colosseum

Italian officers are investigating the act of vandalism at the historic Roman amphitheatre.
2023-06-27 16:16:25

British Museum worker sacked over missing items

The museum dismisses a member of staff and police are investigating after treasures go missing.
2023-08-16 20:42:16

Yinchuan: China restaurant gas explosion kills 31

President Xi has called for "all-out efforts" in investigating the suspected gas leak explosion.
2023-06-22 08:10:35

Miss Universe Indonesia: Contestants allege sexual abuse

Police are investigating the women's claim that they were subjected to "body checks" during the contest.
2023-08-09 09:31:25

Russian priest investigated for blessing Stalin statue

The cleric's local diocese says it is investigating the incident in the city of Velikiye Luki.
2023-08-18 20:50:22

Seven-storey building partially collapses in New York City

Officials are investigating what caused the collapse of the residential structure in the Bronx on Monday.
2023-12-12 21:09:27

Roger Waters: German police investigate ex-Pink Floyd star over Nazi-style costume

Authorities are investigating the ex-Pink Floyd star after he wore the controversial outfit in Berlin.
2023-05-27 00:15:40

Donald Trump recorded saying he kept classified file after leaving office

Prosecutors investigating the former president's handling of classified files obtain an audio tape.
2023-06-01 14:14:49

Jack Smith: The special counsel investigating Donald Trump

Jack Smith was a top war crimes prosecutor at The Hague before he began investigating Donald Trump.
2023-07-31 17:37:17

Biden interviewed by probe into handling of classified files

President Biden has been interviewed by the special counsel investigating sensitive files found in his home and office.
2023-10-10 03:06:24

Independent experts quit Mexico over roadblocks in 43 missing students case

An independent panel of experts investigating the 2014 disappearance of 43 students from a rural teachers' college in Mexico announced they're withdrawing from their probe because the government had failed to give them access to vital information.
2023-07-27 18:17:32

Komoly bajba kerülhet Ukrajna - Amerikában nagyon nem örülnek a belgorodi rajtaütésnek

Vizsgálatot indított az Egyesült Államok kormánya azon ?jelentések? miatt, melyek szerint amerikai fegyvereket és járműveket használhattak az oroszországi Belgorod megyét ért támadás során ? írja az ABC News.
2023-05-25 17:08:44

Új nyomot követ a rendőrség a 16 évvel ezelőtt eltűnt Madeleine McCann ügyében

Az egyik portugáliai víztározóban kezdenek kutatást keddtől a tizenhat éve Portugáliában eltűnt brit kislány, Madeleine McCann ügyében nyomozó brit és portugál hatóságok. A Sky News brit kereskedelmi hírtelevízió hétfői beszámolója szerint a kutatást az Arade folyón gáttal kialakított tározónál végzik, 50 kilométerre Madeleine McCann eltűnésének helyszínétől. A kislány a dél-portugáliai Praia da Luz főleg britek látogatta, Ocean Club nevű üdülőközpontjából tűnt el nyomtalanul 2007 májusában, néhány nappal negyedik születésnapja előtt. A gyermek ? két kisebb testvérével ? a család földszinti sz...
2023-05-22 18:09:55

Canada police investigating China meddling claims

The RCMP said it is looking into claims China sought to target Canadian lawmaker Michael Chong.
2023-06-13 22:11:43

Burning Man: Police investigating death during heavy rain

Thousands of people remain stuck at the event in Nevada and could remain so for several more days.
2023-09-04 07:02:09

Sweden investigating damage to Baltic undersea cable

A gas pipeline between Finland and Estonia is believed to have been damaged at the same time, Sweden says.
2023-10-17 22:07:37

Ukraine aims to set global standard of investigating ecocide as war crime

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2023-10-20 20:08:15

Israel investigating death of West Bank paramedic

The Palestinian Red Crescent says Mohammed Awad Allan, 50, was shot while trying to treat injured people.
2024-04-21 16:08:06


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